

The Importance of X-RAY Image Software


X-RAY uses high-energy electrons generated by a cathode X-ray tube to collide with a metal target. During the entire impact process, the kinetic energy lost due to the sudden deceleration of the electrons will be released in the form of X-rays. For areas where the sample cannot be detected visually, an image is generated by recording the changes in light intensity of X-Ray penetrating substances of different densities, resulting in a contrasting effect. By analyzing the image, the internal structure of the test object can be displayed, allowing for observation of problematic areas inside the test object without damaging it. As a detection method, X-RAY is widely used in various industries, including semiconductor and electronic manufacturing testing, lithium battery testing, industrial testing, public safety testing, as well as food and weapons, due to its advantages of fast speed, high accuracy, and good visibility. The X-RAY detection equipment involves interdisciplinary fields such as optics, mechanics, microelectronics, and software technology, and is the infrastructure for the development of many high-tech industries and equipment. The key technologies of X-ray detection equipment include light tubes, detectors, and image software.

What is X-RAY imaging software?

After the detector receives X-rays and generates electrical signals, the electrical signals are converted into images by image analysis software and displayed on an external display screen. The image software involves image acquisition, image processing algorithms, and post-processing application software. Due to the wide range of downstream applications of X-RAY detection equipment, there is not much difference in X-ray detection from the perspective of the equipment itself. In addition to the accuracy of X-ray detection, there are also significant differences in the image software used for data collection and processing.

The basic functions of image software are image acquisition, processing, and post-processing applications. Downstream application fields such as semiconductors, electronic manufacturing, lithium battery testing, industrial testing, and public safety testing have different requirements for image accuracy, detection objects, and imaging optimization, corresponding to different image software processing algorithms.

Secondly, X-RAY detection devices based on IoT technology have the ability to remotely diagnose faults. By uploading key data of X-RAY detection equipment, such as light tube voltage, detection time, detection accuracy, etc., to the cloud platform, the company can analyze whether the equipment needs maintenance based on this data, thereby conducting remote diagnosis of equipment faults in advance.

Finally, X-RAY detection devices based on detecting big data can achieve cloud computing capabilities. Due to the strengthening of public safety and the improvement of product quality, the advancement of X-RAY detection technology is required. Based on the analysis of detection big data, high-precision automatic defect identification and prohibited item identification functions can be provided for industrial equipment and security inspection equipment.

Due to the continuous promotion of Industry 4.0, intelligent detection equipment will become the main development trend. The core of intelligent detection equipment is the development of software algorithms based on the collected images. Image software involves algorithms and artificial intelligence technology, and through processing large amounts of data, it can obtain detection objects more quickly and accurately.

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